Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a business entity runs on the state laws. LLC makes good business sense compared to other corporations. LLC offers limited liability protection to its owners. With the limited liability company, members can easily protect their assets, easy registration possible, and also changes can make simply.
For such a Limited Liability company, an EIN is necessary. Obtaining Employer Identification number easily allows you to pay Tax Returns. Furthermore, opening a bank account or to hire an employee an LLC EIN is a must. Having EIN Number is safe which helps you to not use your Social Security Number publicly. Therefore, quickly apply for LLC EIN Number to run your business.
Does an LLC Need an EIN?
Federal Tax Identification is not necessary if it is a single member LLC. In a Single Member Limited Liability Companies, members can pay taxes by using their SSN. There is also a chance to apply for LLC federal tax id number if you want it for your Single Member LLC. This single-member LLC is considered as a disregarded entity.
Other LLCs than single-member LLC must need an EIN. Without having a federal tax identification number, members of LLC cannot do any activities belongs to their Business entity. To open a bank account or to hire an employee or to give salary to an employee, etc., an EIN is mandatory. Therefore, start filling EIN Application form here for your business.
LLC EIN Application Form
Our EIN Application forms help you to navigate & also help you to get your EIN in an easy way. Here, you finish your EIN Application Process simply & easily. If a single member running LLC then it is treated as a sole proprietor. Therefore, the member of LLC need not have an EIN as a sole proprietor.
Steps to Apply for Limited Liability Company EIN
Check it out these steps and then fill your EIN Application Form.
LLC Information
Go through the below EIN Application Form and fill it to take EIN Number from an IRS.- 1. Mention your LLC Legal Name which is registered under IRS..
- 2. Fill your trade name/ DBA.
- 3. You need to mention the number of LLC members by selecting from a drop-down number.
- 4. Also, select the Taxation of LLC by choosing your business type
- 5. Enter your First Name, Last Name along with Suffix.
- 6. Give your Social Security Number and confirm it by reentering.
- 7. Inform business address, city, state, zip, country, phone in the required boxes.
- 6. Furthermore, click on check box for mailing address through which you can receive your EIN Number from an IRS.
- 7. By clicking on the Mailing Address Check Box, you can enter address details belong to mailing address.
- 8. Also, enter your mail address by clicking on the mailing address check box.
- 9. Select the business started month & year.
- 10. Choose the reason applying for an Employer Identification Number.
- 11. Furthermore, select a primary activity & describe it.
- 12. Elect your business located state.
- 13. Select yes or no for appear questions available in an EIN Application Form.
- 14. Inform your further details by choosing yes or no.
- 15. Enter EIN Recipient Name, EIN Recipient Email, EIN Recipient Phone which is essential to get your exact EIN.